Ozone Teamrider Enno Oldigs mit dem neuen C4 2012 in Hamata

Enno Oldigs C4 2012

Unser lieber Teamrider Enno Oldigs war einige Wochen in Ägypten als Kitelehrer unterwegs und hatte da die Gelegenheit den neuen 2012er C4 richtig unter die Lupe zu nehmen. Dazu hat er einige Bilder vom C4 gemacht und einen kleinen Testbericht verfasst:


"The 2011 C4 was almost the perfect C-kite for my feelings, so it must have been a tough job for the R&D team to push the kite to the next level .


"In my opinion they gave the 2012 C4 a bit more lift & hangtime and it feels that the kite pulls a bit more leeward in kiteloops, I guess the turning radius is a bit bigger and that generates the feeling of more power. the relaunch is still very easy und the bar pressure low which I really like, of course you have still the 3 options on the kite to play with the bar pressure . the kite is very stable in the air and got enough depower to handle big gusts.

the C4 is a very powerful but easy to handle kite, you feel from the first minute comfortable with it. the quality is good as always and 2012 the deliver the kite in a real backpack.


so if you are looking for a 4-line c-kite, look for the next dealer and ask for some demo kites to check it by yourself on the water."


Viel Spaß mit diesen sommerlichen Eindrücken. Und frohe Weihnachten! ;)

Kommentar schreiben

Kommentare: 1
  • #1

    Hoschy (Dienstag, 06 August 2024 20:27)

    Melde dich mal. Ferfickt wir hoffen es geht dir gut. Gruß cmj


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26603 Aurich



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